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The Fun Waste of Time

Dec 25, 2020

This is a condensed and abbreviated version of episode 34 of The Fun Waste of Time, which is a dedicated "Home Theater Experience" episode.  The topic of discussion in this shortened version is our favorite platforms to consume movie and TV content.  The platforms discussed are Kaleidescape, Zappiti, Plex and Blu-ray...

Dec 23, 2020

In this episode of “The Fun Waste of Time,” we’ve got another fantastic “Home Theater Experience” coming your way!  We’ve gathered a phenomenal panel of home theater enthusiasts from around the country (U.S.) to discuss the merits, advantages and disadvantages of their favorite movie player platforms....

Dec 9, 2020

In this episode of “The Fun Waste of Time,” the crew has a fantastic discussion about the AT&T/Warner Media announcement that all Warner Bros movies in December and throughout 2021 will be dropped on HBOMax day and date of theatrical release.  Will the crew chance going to the commercial theater to see some of these...

Nov 18, 2020

In this dedicated "Home Theater Experience" episode, the Kaleidescape Movie Management and Movie Collection System is reviewed.  "The Fun Waste of Time" crew gives their hands-on impressions and final thoughts on the premium movie player platform.  Is it worth the excessive price tag?  Listen in to find out!

There's all...

Nov 17, 2020

In this episode of “The Fun Waste of Time,” the crew discusses their first-hand impressions of next-gen consoles, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5! Each member of the crew had the opportunity to play with at least one of the consoles and shares their unfiltered opinions.  Does it really feel like we’re in the...