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The Fun Waste of Time

Mar 4, 2019

In this episode of "The Fun Waste of Time" one of the crew discusses his home theater and experiences playing video games and watching movies on a 165 inch projector screen with a 7.6.4 Dolby Atmos "3D" surround sound system.  He details some of the equipment, devices and design that make up his theater.

The crew also...

Feb 17, 2019

In this episode of The Fun Waste of Time, the crew discuss the "Anthem" and "Division 2" betas that dropped earlier this month, the James Cameron produced film "Alita Battle Angel", their thoughts on awesome new TV shows such as Netflix' "Kingdom" and comic books titles that are worth a read.

Jan 31, 2019

In the first official episode of the Fun Waste of Time, the crew starts the new year off right by closing out old business from last year.  They discuss their top five favorite video games, movies, TV shows and comic books of 2018!  If you love talking shop about your favorite entertainment media and pop...